Festival Event Listing
October 6 WildWings Festival Launch and Art Show Opening Reception
October 8 Mount Tzouhalem Awareness Hike
October 9 Celebrate Somenos Open House at the Somenos Marsh Open Air Classroom
October 11 Walk in the Woods with a First Nations Medicine Women
October 12 Cowichan Tribes history of Somenos Marsh
October 12 Creating Pollinator Friendly Yards
October 13 Bring Back the Bluebirds Presentation
October 15 Birdhouse Rehabilitation Day in Somenos Marsh
October 15 Backyard Bird Feeding
October 16 Kids Little Big Birding Day
October 17 Cowichan’s best kept birding secret: Chemainus Estuary Walk
October 18 Traditional Pi’kwun (Salmon BBQ) with Jared Williams
October 19 A Walk in the Koksilah Ancient trees
October 19 Winged Migration – Movie Night
October 22 Salish Sea Whales and Wildlife Zodiac Tour
October 23 Cowichan Artisans Who Work with Nature Tour
October 27 Coho Salmon in the Somenos Basin: CWB Speaker Series
October 29 Sip and Spot: Wine Tasting and Bird Spotting Tour
October 30 Hands-on Raptor Experience
November 1 Bird Songs of the Boreal Forest: cradle for billions of songbirds
November 4 The Messenger: Film Screening
November 5 Birding the Bay with the Royal BC Museum
November 6 Basket Weaving with Plants from the Marsh
November 7 Trumpeter Swan Paint Nite
November 9 21st Century Birding
November 13 Coastal Waterbird Count
November 14 Cowichan Wild – Local Wine and Fare
November 16-18 Trumpeter Swan Conference
November 16 Public Forum & Panel Discussion: Waterfowl and Agriculture, Working Together
November 17 Field Trip: Waterfowl and Agriculture, Working Together
November 18 Closing Gala for WildWings Festival & Trumpeter Swan Society Swan Conference
Click here for: Event Calendar and Registration Info